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Writer's pictureAnnedd Ni

Lleisiau- Voices- a project with Blas Pontio and Ysgol Friars

In March 2020 a group of students from Ysgol Friars came to meet some of the individuals who attend Annedd Ni.

Rachel had been out to meet the students in January and to explain to them about what Annedd Ni does and the activities we offer.

The concept behind the project is that often people have interesting stories to tell, but they don't always get the opportunity to share these with others. Previously Blas Pontio have worked with Ysgol Friars to visit a carehome to give voices to the elderly residents there, and with St Mary's hostel- giving voices to the homeless people who access the hostel.

A verbatim performance was planned for April- where the words of our individuals would be shared (word for word) in a live performance to which all would be invited.

We were excited to work together to be able to share the wonderful stories and experiences that Beryl, Alwyn and Andrea were ready to share. Unfortunately due to Coronavirus we were only able to meet with the students once, but from this visit Mared has been able to put together this video, with excerts taken from the dictaphones that the students were using to record the conversations.

We hope you enjoy!

Ym mis Mawrth 2020 daeth grŵp o fyfyrwyr o Ysgol Friars i gwrdd â rhai o'r unigolion sy'n mynychu Annedd Ni.

Roedd Rachel wedi bod allan i gwrdd â'r myfyrwyr ym mis Ionawr ac i egluro iddyn nhw am yr hyn mae Annedd Ni yn ei wneud a'r gweithgareddau rydyn ni'n eu cynnig.

Y cysyniad y tu ôl i'r prosiect yw bod gan bobl straeon diddorol i'w hadrodd yn aml, ond nid ydyn nhw bob amser yn cael cyfle i rannu'r rhain ag eraill. Yn flaenorol, mae Blas Pontio wedi gweithio gydag Ysgol Friars i ymweld â chartref gofal i roi lleisiau i'r preswylwyr oedrannus yno, a chyda hostel y Santes Fair yn rhoi lleisiau i'r bobl ddigartref sy'n cyrchu'r hostel.

Cynlluniwyd perfformiad air am air ar gyfer mis Ebrill - lle byddai geiriau ein unigolion yn cael eu rhannu (air am air) mewn perfformiad byw y byddai pawb yn cael ei wahodd iddo.

Roeddem yn gyffrous i weithio gyda'n gilydd i allu rhannu'r straeon a'r profiadau rhyfeddol yr oedd Beryl, Alwyn ac Andrea yn barod i'w rhannu. Yn anffodus oherwydd Coronavirus dim ond unwaith yr oeddem yn gallu cwrdd â'r myfyrwyr, ond o'r ymweliad hwn mae Mared wedi gallu llunio'r fideo hon, gydag eithriadau wedi'u cymryd o'r dictaffonau yr oedd y myfyrwyr yn eu defnyddio i recordio'r sgyrsiau.

Gobeithio y gwnewch chi fwynhau!


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